


We are a cashless school. Our preferred payment method is via BPOINT but direct deposit is also accepted.

BPOINT is an online payment system which provides schools with a secure and efficient method of collecting payments from parents. BPOINT allows payments to be made with an invoice number, eliminating any extra work the school staff may have to undertake in allocating payments from parents. This method is quick, easy and allows you to pay for each invoice individually, which targets the particular activity you wish to pay for.

It is extremely important that the correct Customer Reference Number (CRN) and Invoice Number is entered while using BPOINT to allow for automatic receipting and auto matching. The BPOINT Web Link will not accept payments without a valid CRN.

Important note: BPOINT CRN numbers will always be the same, but your invoice numbers will vary for each payment.

Step 1

  • Go to the bpoint website
  • The Web Link is also available on your invoice. 
  • The Web Link will open up a new secure payment window.

Step 2 – Enter CRN

Enter the CRN from the invoice that you would like to pay. The CRN will appear on the bottom of the invoice. This is a critical step. If an incorrect CRN is entered it will cause major issues.

Step 3 – Enter Invoice Number

Each invoice must be paid separately using the correct invoice number to allow your funds to be credited to the correct place. This is an automatic matching process. Paying accounts under one invoice for 2 children will mean that the child who’s invoice was used will be in credit and the other child will appear to be unpaid. For example: Swimming was invoiced at $40 per student. John and Michael were both paid using BPoint with John’s invoice number. In our system, John now appears to have paid for swimming and is $40 in credit while Michael still owes $40.

Step 4 – Enter Student Name

Step 5 – Input an Amount

Step 6 – Choose a card type by clicking on the appropriate icon 

Step 7 – Enter Card number 

Step 8 – Enter Expiry Date

Step 9 – Enter CSV Number

This is the 3 digit number found at the back of the card. This is a requirement for the payment to process. 

Step 10 – Payment confirmation

The payment will be processed by the CBA and a transaction confirmation will be displayed. Click on Print View to print a copy of your transaction confirmation for your records. You can also email yourself the transaction confirmation.

Please read the Parents Guide to BPoint (PDF 1594KB) for more details.

Financial Difficulty

If you are having financial difficulty or wish to set up a payment plan please make an appointment to meet with the principal.

Last reviewed 01 April 2020
Last updated 01 April 2020